Zentiga - T-Shirt Design

Assets: Tee Designs.

Zentiga is a surf hostel located in Canggu, Bali, Indonesia. They inquired my services for original tee shirt designs to sell to customers and for staff to wear. They wanted a coastal feel with clean designs to match their hostels modern feel. I produced two options (shown below) The Surfboard Tee, and the Mountain Tee.

surfboard tee variations:

For first design the client and I went back and forth until we ultimately decided we liked the crossing surfboards as the focus of the design. My client wanted to see many design variations including hostel name, day of establishment, and location. I played a lot with the layout and variations of integrated text so he could choose which design he preferred. I took inspiration from stamps, which felt relative as the hostel is located in vacation destination.

Final Surfboard Tee design:

For the final design we chose the second design in the second row of variations. We liked how the name of the hostel wrapped nicely around the top of the surfboards and the location created a mirrored base for the composition. I also added three lines above the surfboards as a nod to the hostels name.


Zen - relaxed, home away from home, peaceful place to stay.

Tiga - meaning three in Bahasa (Indonesian Language), to stand for the three founders of the hostel.

Final Surfboard tee Mockup:

The final t-shirt designs with be printed on the back of the t-shirts, either with black ink on a white t-shirt or white ink on a black t-shirt.

Mountain Tee Variations:

For the second design I made several variations in the sun, trees and waves. The client wanted a continuous line design that resembles the beaches in Canggu with Mount Agung in the horizon. I made several illustrations for the surrounding elements and my client chose his favourite and I composed the final design with the selected illustrations. I played a lot with different design aesthetics to give my client a vast variety to choose from. I took inspiration from my own time living in Canggu, Bali and the environment of the beautiful country of Indonesia.

Final Mountain Tee design:

For the final design it is a complication of the variations made to make a cohesive representation for the Bali coast. We kept the design simple yet dynamic to make an aesthetically pleasing design but to also represent an accuracy of the Canggu beach scenery. The name of the hostel acts an anchor to the design creating a base to make the illustration stand out on its own.

Final mountain tee Mockup:

The final t-shirt designs with be printed on the back of the t-shirts, either with black ink on a white t-shirt or white ink on a black t-shirt.

Additional t-shirt Designs:

These are additional t-shirt designs I illustrated but were not chosen. The vast variety of styles showcases my ability to illustrate on Adobe Illustrator. I overall had a lot of fun with this project playing with different design styles and illustrating creatively to make merchandise.


Claire Freyvogel

